About Us

From toolkits to lesson plans, 21 organizations have come together to provide resources designed to enhance cybersecurity awareness and knowledge for students across K-12 education. With a particular emphasis on historically underrepresented groups, these resources help build foundational awareness of cybersecurity, from essential preventative measures to potential career pathways in the field. By engaging students early, the initiative aims to foster a stronger understanding of digital safety and inspire future interest in cybersecurity careers.

Why Cybersecurity Matters

Research from CYBER.ORG shows that most American students lack a fundamental knowledge about cybersecurity, which could leave them susceptible to major vulnerabilities and cyber threats. The gap also has wide-reaching implications for the nation’s workforce and security. 

Empowering young people with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats is not just about safety—it's about ensuring they have the confidence and capability to navigate the digital world securely.

Workforce Development

The field of cybersecurity faces a double crisis: a workforce shortage and a lack of diversity and representation across a range of intersecting identities including gender identity, race/ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, ability, and religion. 

As a result, our country is less prepared to adapt to increasing cyber threats on the individual and national scale. These jobs will only become more essential with the proliferation of AI. 

By empowering students with more knowledge of cybersecurity, we also inspire them to join the field and lend their skills to protect our diverse communities from cyber threats.

Made possible by

21 organizations committed to providing resources for young people to protect themselves online. 

Alliance Commitments